The Little Way of Catholic Parenting

100 Simple Ways to Share Your Faith with Your Kids


LIttle way of catholic parenting

Whenever I’m with my Catholic mom friends, we inevitably start talking about our kids. We share our struggles, our joys and our deep desire to pass on our faith to our kids. 

But let’s be real, in today’s world, raising strong, Catholic kids can  feel pretty overwhelming. It’s easy to wonder if we’re doing enough or if we’re even doing the right things.

But maybe it’s not about the big, grand gestures.

Maybe it’s the little, everyday moments that really plant those seeds of faith in our children’s hearts, the ones that will bear fruit long after they’re out on their own.

I’ve put together a list of 100 simple things we can do to help nurture their faith. These are ideas I’ve gathered from friends, family, and other Catholic moms who are in the same boat as us.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to do them all (I certainly don’t!). But if one or two ideas resonate with you, maybe give them a try this week and see how they fit into your family’s rhythm. 

  1. Say morning prayers as a family

  2. Listen to Christian music when getting ready in the morning

  3. Use holy water before your kids head out the door

  4. Pray the Hail Mary when you hear an ambulance

  5. Pray the St. Michael prayer at night to help your kids feel protected while they sleep

  6. Pray the Guardian Angel prayer in the morning or at night

  7. Pray a decade of the rosary on your way to school

  8. Pray to specific saints for different intentions (e.g. the St. Anthony prayer when something is lost; St. Sebastian before athletic events; St. Christopher when you travel, etc)

  9. Light candles at church and say prayers for your loved ones

  10. Pray for the souls in purgatory

  11. Host friends for brunch after Sunday mass

  12.  Sing/Play Christian music together

  13. Enthrone The Sacred Heart of Jesus in Your Home

  14. Meet friends for daily mass and then play at the park afterward

  15. Establish a “virtue of the month” and post on your fridge

  16. Let your kids see you pray

  17. Listen to Hallow Kids Prayer programs

  18. Attend mother/daughter or father/son retreats with older kids

  19. Plant a Mary Garden in your backyard

  20. Give a spiritual bouquet (promised prayers) for loved ones

  21. Take a tour of your church

  22. Play Catholic Charades

  23. Celebrate your child’s patron saint’s feast day

  24. Every Sunday, celebrate the Sabbath with dedicated family time/activities

  25.  Put up pictures in your kids’ rooms of their favorite saints

  26. Pick a Bible verse of the week and post it in your home

  27. If kids can memorize the verse by the end of the week, celebrate with a small treat

  28. Create a family gratitude journal

  29. Subscribe to Catholic Family Crate and enjoy monthly faith-inspired activities

  30. Fill a jar with names of friends and family; pull 1 out each night to pray for them

  31.  Discuss current events through a Catholic lens (make it age-appropriate)

  32. Go to adoration as a family

  33. Go to confession as a family

  34. Find a kid’s examination of conscience to help your child prepare for confession

  35. Celebrate each sacrament milestone with parties/gifts for your child

  36. Make a sacrament keepsake box for your child 

  37. And/or, create a sacrament scrapbook (or both!)

  38. Celebrate feast days with a special treat/meal/activity

  39. Read about the saints together

  40. Read through a children's Bible together as a family

  41. Cozy up with Catholic blankets

  42. Get your child a scapular to wear

  43. Collect holy cards and keep them in a book

  44. Watch faith-inspired movies as a family

  45. Read Christian books aloud with your kids

  46. Cook saint-inspired meals together

  47. Pray before meals

  48. Have a priest or religious over for dinner

  49. When you travel, visit local Catholic Churches

  50. At dinnertime, have everyone share their Joy, Junk & Jesus for the day

  51. Take a meal to a priest or religious

  52. Have a priest over to provide a house blessing

  53. Pray the rosary at night together

  54. Pray spontaneous prayers together before bed

  55. Pray novenas together for special intentions

  56. When your child is having a problem, start with, “Let’s pray about it.”

  57. Listen to the Saints Alive podcast

  58. Attend Sunday mass as a family

  59. On the way to mass, read the mass readings ahead of time

  60. On the way home from mass, discuss the homily together

  61. Attend daily mass together when you’re able

  62. Make sandwiches for the homeless and donate to a local shelter

  63. If you see a homeless person, stop and pray for them

  64. Visit nursing homes as a family and/or with friends

  65. Shop and donate items to St. Vincent de Paul

  66. Do yard work for an elderly neighbor

  67. Have your kids pick a charity and help them tithe their own money to that charity

  68. Play Catholic games together

  69. Have friends over for pizza and a rosary

  70. Attend stations of the cross

  71. If available, attend a Catholic family retreat together

  72. Sign your kids up for Catholic clubs, or start your own if you don’t have one locally

  73. Have your kids attend a Catholic camp during the summer

  74. Sign up your kids for Vacation Bible School at your parish

  75. Color Catholic Activity Books

  76. Decorate your home with religious decor 

  77. When they complain, ask them to tell you something they’re grateful for

  78. When they fight, have them say something nice to one another

  79. Then, teach them to say “I forgive you” to one another

  80. Say a blessing over each child at night, such as: “May almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless you my child for time and eternity, and may this blessing remain forever with you.”

  81. Throw a party with your kids’ friends for their favorite Saints Feast Days

  82. Celebrate your child’s baptism day with cake

  83. Create a family prayer box and have your kids add prayer requests

  84. Do Catholic crafts together

  85. Make a pilgrimage to your Cathedral (or a nearby basilica or pilgrimage site)

  86. Go through your clothing and toys and share with a young family or donate to a local charity

  87. Go on a hike and pray the Rosary

  88. Pray the Rosary around a campfire in the backyard

  89. Attend pro-life events together

  90. Stay up late and pray under the stars

  91. Play with Catholic toys

  92. Create a home altar/prayer space in your home for everyone to use

  93. Read about Eucharistic Miracles together

  94. Pin Catholic medals inside of their backpacks 

  95. Put Catholic stickers on their school supplies

  96. Add a Catholic keychain to their backpack

  97. Mark the sign of the cross on their foreheads before they go to sleep

  98. When you see them demonstrate a virtue, acknowledge it and name it (i.e. “That was so charitable of you.” or “I’m so proud of your perseverance in school.” etc. )

  99. Pray for your kids

  100. Remind them that they are loved by God, no matter what

Have an idea that you don't see here? Please comment below so we can all learn from one another! 

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