How to be a Modern-Day Joan of Arc: A Catholic Woman's Guide

St. Joan of Arc was a warrior, a leader, and a woman of unshakable faith. She trusted God’s plan, stood firm in her convictions, and faced challenges with courage.

While we may not be called to lead an army into battle, Catholic women today are still called to be bold in faith, courageous in action, and unwavering in our trust in God. But what does that look like in everyday life?

Here are five ways to channel your inner Joan of Arc and live with fearless faith today.

1. Listen for God’s Voice—and Say Yes!

"Since God commanded me to go, I must do it."

At just 13 years old, Joan of Arc began hearing voices from St. Michael the Archangel, St. Catherine of Alexandria, and St. Margaret of Antioch. They told her she had a mission: to lead France to victory and help crown the rightful king.

At first, Joan struggled with the idea. She was a peasant girl—who would believe her? But over time, she surrendered to God’s will. At age 16, she left home and traveled to see the future King Charles VII. She boldly told him that God had sent her to lead his army, shocking the court.

How to follow Joan’s example:

  • Make prayer a daily habit. Joan couldn’t have heard God’s call if she wasn’t open to listening. Spend time in silent prayer, asking Him to guide your steps.
  • Pay attention to the "small nudges." Has God been calling you to something—a new job, a deeper prayer life, starting a ministry, or even reconciling with someone? Stop ignoring the call.
  • Act, even if you feel unqualified. Like Joan, you might feel too young, too inexperienced, or too weak. But if God is calling, He will equip you.

2. Be Fearless in Following Your Calling

"I fear nothing, for God is with me!"

When Joan arrived at King Charles VII’s court, she faced mockery and doubt. Many believed she was crazy for thinking God would send a teenage girl to lead an army. But she stood firm, declaring: “I am not afraid… I was born to do this.”

Once given command, she cut her hair, dressed in armor, and rode into battle. She led soldiers twice her age into war—something unheard of for a woman in her time. Despite injuries and hardships, she never wavered in her mission.

How to follow Joan’s example:

  • Say yes to what God is asking of you—even if others doubt you. Are you being called to start a Catholic business? Lead a Bible study? Homeschool your kids? Don’t let fear stop you.
  • Prepare yourself spiritually. Joan didn’t rely on her strength alone—she prayed constantly and even went to confession before battle. Make the Sacraments a regular part of your life.
  • Remember, courage isn’t the absence of fear—it’s acting despite it. Repeat Joan’s words to yourself: “I fear nothing, for God is with me.”

3. Stand Firm in Your Faith, Even When It’s Hard

"Courage! Do not fall back!"

After leading France to victory, Joan was captured by enemies and put on trial. Her accusers tried to trap her with trick questions, hoping she would contradict herself or commit heresy.

One famous moment was when they asked: “Are you in God’s grace?” If she said yes, they could accuse her of arrogance. If she said no, they could accuse her of sin.

Instead, she answered brilliantly: “If I am not, may God place me there; if I am, may God keep me there.” Even under immense pressure, Joan refused to deny her faith or mission.

How to follow Joan’s example:

  • Know your faith. Joan was unshaken because she was spiritually prepared. Read Scripture, study Church teachings, and be ready to defend what you believe.
  • Speak up for truth. Whether it’s in conversations with family, online discussions, or even raising your kids in the faith, don’t be afraid to stand firm.
  • Be willing to be uncomfortable. Joan knew standing for Christ would cost her everything, yet she never wavered. Ask yourself: Do I stand for Christ when it’s difficult?

4. Be a Leader in Your Own Life

"In God's name, let us go on bravely!"

When Joan first joined the army, the men didn’t take her seriously. After all, she was a teenage girl in armor. But Joan quickly proved herself—not by fighting, but by leading with virtue.

She encouraged her soldiers to go to confession, pray before battle, and avoid sinful behavior. Soon, even hardened warriors began respecting her leadership.

How to follow Joan’s example:

  • Lead your family in faith. Even if you’re not a general in an army, you can lead your household by prioritizing prayer, setting an example, and encouraging virtue.
  • Be a leader in your community. Whether at work, at church, or in a ministry, step up when God calls you to lead.
  • Encourage holiness in those around you. Joan inspired those around her to live better lives—so can you!

5. Trust That God is With You—Always

"I place trust in God, my creator, in all things; I love Him with all my heart."

At the end of her life, Joan was sentenced to death by burning at the stake. Even in her final moments, she never lost faith. Her last words were:

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!”

As the flames rose, a priest held up a crucifix, and Joan’s eyes remained fixed on Christ. Witnesses later said they saw a dove fly from the flames, a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Even in death, Joan trusted that God was with her.

How to follow Joan’s example:

  • Remember, suffering is temporary—eternity is forever. Joan teaches us to keep our eyes on Christ, no matter what trials come our way.
  • When you feel alone, turn to the saints. Joan had St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret guiding her—ask your go-to saints to guide you.
  • Never stop calling on Jesus. Whether in joy or struggle, let His name always be on your lips.

Be Bold. Be Faithful. Be a Modern-Day Joan of Arc.

You don’t have to be a warrior in battle to be a warrior for Christ. By following Joan’s example—trusting God, standing firm in faith, and leading with courage—you can live boldly as a Catholic woman today.

💛 Which lesson from Joan speaks to you the most? Let’s chat in the comments!

💍 Want a daily reminder of Joan’s strength? Wear her courage on your wrist! Our St. Joan of Arc bracelet is designed to inspire Catholic women like you to live boldly in faith.


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