A Shower of Roses: 5 Incredible Stories of St. Thérèse’s Intercession

showerof roses

I didn’t grow up knowing much about St. Thérèse of Lisieux. But the first time I heard about her “shower of roses” promise, I was captivated.

It happened during a prayer group when a friend shared a childhood memory that has stuck with me ever since:

When my friend was about nine years old, she overheard her mom talking about a woman in need of prayers. Curious, she asked what was wrong. Instead of giving all the details, her mom simply said, “Pray a novena to St. Thérèse for her. A child’s prayers are especially powerful.”

So she did. And like any child, she didn’t overthink it—she just prayed.

On the ninth day of the novena, she was outside in the backyard when she spotted something unusual. She ran inside, holding it up for her mom to see.

As soon as her mom laid eyes on it, she gasped, “A rose! A rose! St. Thérèse sent you a rose!”

Not only had her prayers been answered, but she had also received the very sign St. Thérèse is known for.

St. Thérèse’s Promise

St. Thérèse once said, “After my death, I will let fall a shower of roses. I will spend my heaven doing good on earth.”

Since then, countless people have reported receiving roses—sometimes in the most unexpected ways—after praying for her intercession. I love these stories, and after spending hours reading stories on the internet, I wanted to share five of my favorites.

1. A Seminarian Discovers His Vocation

A young seminarian from Minnesota traveled to France to visit the childhood home of St. Thérèse. While there, he noticed red roses blooming outside, which was surprising because it was January. Feeling called to pick some, he brought them home to the U.S.

When he returned, he handed one of the roses to a friend in the seminary. To his surprise, his friend began to cry.

Unknown to him, his friend had been struggling with doubts about his vocation and had prayed a novena to St. Thérèse for clarity. He had asked for a sign: If God wanted him to become a priest, he prayed for a real white rose. If God wanted him to get married, he prayed for a real red rose.

On the ninth day of his novena, a friend unknowingly handed him a fresh red rose—from St. Thérèse’s very own home.

Today, that man is happily married with three beautiful children.

2. A Busy Mom Seeks Help

A mother of three, juggling her family and two hair salons, was feeling completely overwhelmed. Her busy season was coming up and she worried she didn't have enough staff to keep up with the work. Unsure of how to balance everything, she prayed a novena to St. Thérèse, asking for peace and clarity.

On the ninth day of her novena, she received several unexpected calls from people wanting to work at her salons—including one woman named Jenna Rose. She smiled, believing  this was her rose and her prayers were answered.

But it didn't stop there. The next day, she walked into work and saw a vase of pink roses sitting on the counter. No one at the salon knew where they came from. After much questioning, she found out a customer had dropped them off. 

Sometimes, God’s answers are as clear as a bouquet of roses.

3. A Woman Prays for Her Future Husband

A young woman prayed to St. Therese, asking her to help her find a husband. And she asked Therese to give her a sign to know when she met the right man - a single pink rose. 

Time went on and she dated throughout the years. It wasn't until seven years later that she fell in love with someone and they decided to get married. When they got engaged, she thought back to that prayer for a pink rose but reminded herself not to focus too much on signs—she was confident this was the man God had chosen for her.

Then, the day before their wedding, her fiancé pulled the car over and handed her a beautifully wrapped package. Inside was a snow globe—and inside the snow globe was a single pink rose.

Even more incredible? St. Thérèse loved snow.

Some gifts come wrapped in the most unexpected ways.

4. A Couple Faces Financial Stress

A couple, who had recently converted to Catholicism at a church named after St. Therese, found themselves facing foreclosure on their home. In desperation, they turned to prayer, asking St. Therese for her intercession.

The next day, the husband went to Mass. During the service, rose petals from the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe were distributed. As he held them, he felt a deep sense of peace.

Then, the woman next to him handed him her packet of rose petals, saying, “You should have these.”

The next day, the mortgage company called. The woman on the phone told them she believed they could work something out. 

By the end of the week, the couple received official confirmation: they could keep their home.

St. Thérèse’s roses aren’t just beautiful—they bring miracles.

5. A Prayer for Pregnancy

At 40 years old, a woman got married and soon after suffered an ectopic pregnancy. Heartbroken, her mother began praying a novena to St. Thérèse, asking for a child.

One day, the woman received a phone call from her mother-in-law, who lived overseas. A young woman was looking for a family to adopt her baby and wanted to know if they were interested. The couple said yes. 

Not long after, the birth mother flew to the U.S. and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl—on October 1st, St. Thérèse’s feast day.

Three weeks later, the woman took her newborn daughter to church, where the reliquary of St. Thérèse was visiting. Roses filled the church.

Seven weeks after that, she discovered she was pregnant—with twins.

Have You Experienced a Shower of Roses?

St. Thérèse is a beautiful reminder that God is in the details. Whether you’ve received a rose or just found hope in her story, I’d love to hear your experience!

Share your story in the comments or email me at info@lilyandlamb.com.

Let’s celebrate the ways God speaks to us—even through something as simple as a rose. 🌹✨

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